
10 Travel Tips for a Healthier Experience

You have dreamed about it. You have planned it and now your vacation is getting closer and closer. You can taste the ocean air or feel the bright reflection off the perfect powder on the best snow day of the year. You can see the rain forest that you’ve only seen in pictures or feel the gentle sway of the ship. Or even better, there’s a hot home cooked meal waiting for you. Whatever awaits you in your vacation paradise here are 10 easy to follow travel tips to assist you in your before and during exploits.

Before you pack and hear the call “All Aboard” follow these tips and make the journey and arrival easier, healthier and fit.

1. Start your trip fit- No matter where you are going most of the time you are bound to be walking more and taking on different adventures than your day to day life. With that in mind get fit before your trip so that your adventures are easier to complete and you aren’t the one holding everyone else back. There’s nothing worse than getting to your dream destination and you can’t go the last bit because you’ve totally lost all energy. Or there are no elevators and you just can’t do one more stair. Or one problem you may have is the family wants one excursion and it is the one you know you can not complete.

Six months or more prior to departure start a workout journey to make your play journey a breeze. Walk every day and keep increasing your mileage. Join a gym or create weights at home. Fill gallon jugs with water and lift it and curl it.. One gallon of water is equivalent to 10 pounds. Pack your suitcase with the equivalent of what it may weigh on your trip and practice moving with it, carrying it, lifting it up to table height and back down and lifting it overhead (airplane overhead bins). Move and bend and squat and be the fittest going into your vacation so that the vacation is a simple joy.

2. Travel with Snacks- While some airports are getting better food and snack options, most are still lacking in this area. So instead of making bad snack choices take your own healthy travel snacks to avoid the airport/airplane fast foods. Not only will you be eating healthier you’ll also be saving money since most airport convenience foods are pricey. Nuts and snack bars slip easily in bags and cause no issues with airport security.

3. Book it wisely- When traveling and staying in a hotel you have many options. Look for a hotel with a gym or kitchenette. Hotel gyms range any where from a few pieces of cardio equipment to a full on gym with cardio, machine weights and free weights. So ask or look over the amenities prior to booking that room. A few extra dollars for a hotel with a full gym will be worth every penny.

Also look for a room with a kitchenette or access to a kitchen. You may think, “I don’t want to cook on vacation” but I personally can only eat out so often before I want to cook what I’m eating and know what’s going into my food. Most of the time a room with a kitchenette will cost a little more but when you compare that to the expense of eating out,one meal in will cover that cost. Plus, how hard is it to prepare breakfast in your kitchen versus a brunch costing $15 plus per person. The kitchens are usually stocked with the essentials and consider it a bonus when it has a dishwasher. Washing dishes is not on my vacation plan.

Vacations are meant to be rejuvenating and uplifting. Once your on the journey here are some tips to keep you on track.

4. Most believe vacationing equals freedom from exercise and freedom to eat and drink everything and anything. Traveling/vacationing is not an excuse to ignore what you know you’ll only regret later. Different experts out there state to keep up with any where from one third to one half of your regular workout regimen. But I ask why reduce? Why not complete your regular fitness regimen? You are being too easy on yourself and opening up the possibility of getting out of your routine so that when you return to regular life it’s hard to get back on track. By keeping up with your fitness on vacation you’ll be right on track when you return home.

5. Walk it, ride on it, climb it and move it. Don’t ride in it. Instead of the taxi, walk to your destination or rent a bike and bike around your vacation get away. Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs. Move your body the “old fashioned” way and your body, the human machine, will ride smoother and longer. By walking, riding the bike and climbing the stairs you will be strengthening your entire body.

6. Avoid appetizers, breads and chips before the meal arrives. Yes, I said it. No more bread or chips while you wait for your entrée. No more appetizers before the entrée. Each are a carboholics dream and each provide a poor substitute for a good fuel for the body. If you want a single piece of bread or let’s say 10 chips, have it with your entrée. All you have to do is ask the wait staff to take the bread or chips away or simply not to bring it at all. Otherwise you will fill up on the pre meal food and not consume the fuel (protein, good carbs and good fats) your body will be provided from the good entrée selection you choose.

7. I can’t believe I ate/drank the whole thing. Just like during the holidays, many binge eat and drink on vacations. Refrain from the temptation of the 32 ounce anything or the 6 lb lobster or the “largest drink on the island”. Just because they have it doesn’t mean you have to consume it. Portion control is just as important on vacation as it is at home. Fuel your body with calories from food and not all the calories in mixed drinks. Basically, if it has an umbrella in it, stay away.

8. Plan your splurge. Okay there’s only so much good one can accomplish before one will go crazy if one doesn’t splurge. Plan your splurge. You plan big purchases like a car, a home and other big ticket items. So do the same for your splurge meal. Splurge on quality food not fast food. Not cheap beer or wine. Make it worth every yummy calorie and then sit back and smile because you know it was worth it. No guilt. No regret. Just pure joy because you earned it. Food is meant to be enjoyed but if it’s bad food then it’s hard to enjoy it. Eat just enough so you don’t feel bloated or have to undo the top button of your pants. Oh, and no elastic waist bands.

9. Fast food is not the best food. Really, does this need to be explained? Fast food is the lowest on the “food chain” of food options out there. It may fill the empty pit of your stomach but it doesn’t fuel your body. It works only short term and not long term. Short term to stop the hunger but what your body needs is long term fuel to move you, enable you, and create a stronger you. Yes, sometimes there are healthier options of fast food. But when you compare it to the fried food selection, the meats with 50% plus in fillers and the breads that do nothing for you, of course there are healthier options.

10. Fitness on the go. The great thing about exercise is that you can do it any where and with no equipment. You can do squats and lunges in line at an amusement park or on the beach. You can lift your child up and over your head and back down again. They think it’s a game but for you it’s work. You can walk faster from point A to point B and make it a workout. If you have access to a gym then take advantage of it and complete a full body work out each time just in case you don’t get to the gym as often as you would want. If you don’t have gym access then pack an exercise band in your luggage and the exercise band will allow you to complete a full body workout. You can also do these 3 exercises:

1. Push ups- complete 3 sets of 15 to 20 standard push ups or knee push ups. If you are beginning, place your hands on the dresser top and do push ups from the higher angle. They are not as intense but you are building strength and endurance.
2. Stand up, sit down- Use anything to sit down on (preferably not on wheels so it doesn’t roll away). Place your heels directly under your knees. Hands in front of you or beginners on the tops of your legs. Stand up then sit down. Stand and sit without swooping up or down and no dropping fast. Complete 3 sets of 15 to 20. Once you progress past stand up, sit down complete the same sets as full squats (no chair required).
3. Lunges- You’ll want to be careful here if your knees “talk” to you. Step forward with one foot and lower your back knee towards the floor. Your front knee should never go past your front toe. In fact, it’s best right over the heel. Lower the back knee to almost touching the floor and back up, stepping back beside your other stationary foot. Repeat on one side or alternate. Again 3 sets of 15 to 20 on each leg.

These 3 exercises incorporate a multitude of muscles and will keep you on track for when you return to your normal work out schedule.

To recap, plan ahead so you can have a great time on vacation while eating wiser and staying fit. Find accommodations with a gym or kitchenette. Staying on track with your fitness and food during vacation will make returning home a breeze. You won’t feel the need to go on a strict diet just to lose the 5 or 10 pounds you gained while on the trip. In fact, you may find that you lost weight on vacation. Indulge but don’t abandon your healthy life habits. Have fun and relax while taking in the sites and the events around you and know that you can and should taste most but just don’t eat it all. Wherever you go, whatever you do bring home the memories and the good times you had. Once you get home get back in gear and start planning the next get away.

Travel Tips – How to Travel Light While Packing All the Essentials

If you’re going on a trip abroad, it is best to be well-prepared with travel tips in mind. There are items that you need to bring as well as things that won’t be much use on the trip. A tour of a country usually involves a lot of walking and transferring from one town to another; thus, it is best to travel light. One carry-all luggage should be enough for a 7-day and 6-night tour and a handbag that contains only the essential things you need for the trip.

There are things that you must bring and keep with you at all times. These are the items that must be placed inside your handbag. Thus, it is best to bring a large handbag with lots of compartments or a bag with an organizer inside it. This way, it will be much easier to find and retrieve items that you need. Here are the items that are recommended to be placed inside your handbag when traveling to any foreign country. Let these packing tips help you to travel light and pack only all the essential stuff.

  • Passport with visa
  • Airline ticket
  • Identification preferably a driver’s license
  • Wallet with cash (US dollars), credit cards and an ATM card
  • An international cell phone (a handy and cheap one will do)
  • Digital camera that’s lightweight with extended battery
  • Small flashlight
  • Sunglasses
  • Calling card of the hotel you’re staying at
  • Map of the country you’re visiting in case you get lost
  • Pen
  • Wet ones and small pack of tissue paper
  • Medication if any
  • Contact number of the person who handles your tour group

Depending on your needs and daily requirements, you may also need to bring other extra stuff in your handbag to make your vacation more enjoyable. A small sunscreen would be a great idea as well as any device that allows you to connect with friends and family via wireless internet. There are also people who bring their iPods with them so that they can listen to music while traveling in the bus. A book would also be a nice addition so you can read something while waiting for your flight. Just remember though, that bringing too many gadgets can make your handbag heavy. A great idea would be to bring only one gadget that already contains an eBook, music, contacts and wifi connection among other things. A cellphone or one gadget that comes with all of these features would be a great idea to travel light.

For your suitcase, make sure that it contains chargers for your gadgets, and the clothes that you will be wearing on the trip. Clothing must include a nice dress for the ladies, shirts, shorts, jeans, a rain jacket and disposable underwear. The latter makes traveling so much easier as you can simply throw these away after use; thus giving your luggage extra space on your return flight. A rain jacket, on the other hand may come in handy if you’re going to a place with tropical climate. If you’re expecting sun and rain on your trip, do bring a rain jacket but also include flip-flops and a bathing suit if you plan to do some swimming and sunbathing at the beach. While you want to travel light, you also need to keep in mind that bringing the above items will make your stay more enjoyable.

While there are things that must be brought, there are also items that are not necessary. The items that can just make your bag heavy are as follows:

  • expensive jewelry
  • water bottles
  • umbrellas
  • high-heeled shoes
  • blow dryer
  • shampoo, soap and conditioner
  • towel
  • first aid kit

On evenings out, girls can wear ballet flats instead of uncomfortable high heels as flat shoes are lighter. There’s also no need to bring things that you can find in your hotel room such as blow dryer, shampoo, soap, conditioner, towels and lotion. Also ask if the tour you are joining has a first aid kit ready if in case something goes wrong. This way, you don’t need to bring an emergency kit. Having a light luggage is so convenient as it let’s you quickly pack and move from one hotel to another.

If you plan to do a lot of shopping, then it’s alright if you pack only one or two outfits on your trip. You can buy new clothes and then just wear these clothes on the trip. Doing this allows you to further reduce the weight of your luggage while getting yourself new clothes to wear.

It is advisable to wear jeans on the plane as this is not only bulky when placed inside a suitcase, but it also allows a person to easily move when travelling. Also keep your jacket with you in case it rains. Wearing jeans and a nice rain jacket on the plane further gives your luggage less weight; thus, allowing you to really travel light to and from the country you’re visiting.

Travel and leisure is fun and exciting. With travel tips in mind and knowing what items to bring and leave behind, you can properly plan your vacation and truly enjoy your stay. It is always an advantage to travel light while making your trip more comfortable by bringing only all the necessary items.

Jackie Lange handles a Panama tour that’s specially designed for retirees. Jackie’s Panama Relocation Tour shows what life is like in Panama and enables participants to meet and greet American expats who are already living in the country. Jackie is thrilled to be living in Panama and wants you to experience the same thing. Learn how this can be possible by visiting, and discover the beauty that is Panama through your own eyes.

Tips That Will Make Every Trip A Great One

Everyone will probably travel at least once in their life. Whether you are a seasoned traveler or have yet to stray too far from home, gaining traveling knowledge is always helpful. The article provides traveling advice that you might use some day.

Leave any valuable items of value at home when traveling.

Create a packing list of what to pack.

When you are planning for a trip, choose the digital camera that will meet your needs. For instance, if you will be spending a lot of time outdoors, it may not be wise to have a camera with a rechargeable battery. You also want a camera you can turn off and on quickly and that focuses fast.

Sleeping pills or tranquilizers can help get you through those long flight. It can be very hard to get sleep on a plane with all the noise, the different surroundings, machine noise and people milling about. Try taking sleeping pill might help get you some rest on a long flight if you have trouble falling asleep otherwise.Don’t take these prior to takeoff, as a delay or problem may require that the plane returns.

Find out as soon as possible whether you require a visa to enter the country you need to go to. Sometimes a visa can be time consuming to get, so allow a lot of time for the host country to process your visa paperwork.

Research currency rates before you travel so you can easily budget your departure since this will make it easier to budget.You must know your dollar’s value so you are able to spend and even save money. This will help you to have fun without overspending.

You should buy a National Park season pass if you go to these type of parks often. They are only cost $50 and remain good for one year at any national park.

Many people get jet lag when traveling to faraway destinations. You can’t really do anything about it, but you can try sleeping more in the days prior to your flight to help lessen any of the expected effects. You should also try to sleep during the flight.

You can’t really lose something written on the mirror using a dry-erase marker because it’s hard to overlook.You can use dry-erase markers will easily wipe off of mirrors with just a little bit of tissue paper.

Try getting a ‘local’ rate at the hotels when you book a hotel. Some hotels cut locals a local rate on their rooms to decrease unoccupied rooms. If someone you know lives in the city you’re traveling to, they may be able to secure you a better hotel deal. This method can help you a lot of money.

Pack some travel candles for your trip. This can help the scent of your room. It is romantic, and may even help you fall asleep easier.

If you are traveling to a different time zone, you should aim to keep yourself awake until around 8pm local time. Though you may be exhausted, it’s best to not go to bed early so you don’t exacerbate jet lag.

Consider using different modes of transportation. The busing system is not as it used to be. You can find bundle deals from some lines that will make your planning a cinch.

If you have a lot of problems while traveling, you may get frustrated. There may be a delayed flight or the rental car might not run right. The discussion is between you and an employee that likely did not make the agent in charge. At the beginning, you both want to deal with the issue, but you may lose your temper. Stay as calm and be polite. This will make for you.

Weather can be a huge factor in travelling and should never be underestimated when planning your travel plans. Check forecasts so that you know what the local weather will be during your stay.

Bring a pillow and blanket wherever you’re going. No matter your mode of transportation, they can help make your trip more comfortable. Airlines usually provide them, but many run out. Bringing your own along gives you feel confident that it is not dirty.

Contact lens cases can be a useful container for traveling. You can put small amounts of gel or lotion in them.

Check your radio alarm in your hotel room before setting it for the morning. You want to make sure the person who was staying in the room last had it set to.

There is going to be a lot of temptation when you are on the road, especially if it is for business. Rather than spending too much time hoovering around the buffet, check out the hotel’s gym! This will make you energized and fit.

Whenever you go camping, be it on a camping or other trip, you must carry local maps along with you.

If you do not have a mandatory travel date, adjust your time frame by a day or two when searching for deals. You could get a better deal and you can save money by being flexible.

Use a contact lens case to bring lotions and gels along on your trip. These small containers have leak proof screw on lids, they are easy to carry, and can hold an entire week’s worth of whatever it is you need. These containers can be picked up very cheaply at your local pharmacy or grocer.

This could ruin your trip. You will end up confined to your cabin instead of enjoying yourself on deck. If you can, you can buy the medicine at its normal price and bring it along.

Bring your reservation documentation. This helps if you can prove it to them. This can save you many headaches and is simple to do. Print your reservations out and organize them in a folder.

As stated in the beginning of this article, many people travel at some point in their life. Learning about traveling information can arm you with advice you may put to use one day and experience the pleasures of travel. Heed the advice in this article and you will reap the great rewards of traveling.