
Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Visual Effects

Storyboard artist film a script essentially transforms pages of dialogue and description into a comic book. If you want to make your career in the attractive visual effects field then first you should have in depth knowledge of all the things around visual effects. Yes of course you get confused so many times either choose this career or not. So, I would really recommend you to start your career in it. Because there are so many advantages to choosing this excellent career. In this article I will try to give you all the things that a VFX artist should know.

So, first know the meaning of visual effects.

  • Visual Effects

It is a technique by which you can make anything realistic. It doesn’t mean that it will give life to non-living things but it means that you can create anything digitally that will look real. Other than that we can say that visual effects is the process in which digital imagery is created to manipulate or enhance real world footage.

Visual Effects are used in television, commercials, architecture, advertising etc.

  • Reasons of choosing this career

You can choose this career if you are creative and have a desire to work with new technologies. Maybe you like to travel so that’s a career worth choosing. The other thing is that there are many steps of making visual effects. Like storyboarding, ideology, animation etc. So, if you are good at sketching or drawing then you can go for it.

  • VFX roles and departments

It is not a one day task to create visual effects. Several steps are included in it. It is very challenging and technical to make visual effects for big platforms. To make visual effects, A big team of people work to create visual effects. That’s the reason that opportunities of career options are also increasing due to this.

It is not necessary to work as a visual effects artist if you want to enter this field. If you are non-artist then also you can work with visual effects by managing the whole team.

Different roles to create visual effects

  • Art department

Art department is responsible for making visuals of the main concept. With the help of different illustrations, they make visual ideas and artwork. First they make storyboards and then work on sketching.

  • Asset department

There are too many non-real assets needed to make visual effects. It is necessary to match them with real world objects. So, the asset department has a team of artists like: riggers, shader developer, modeling artist, texture painters etc.

  • Research and Development

Basically it is a technical department. In this team, people are responsible to make new tools and software. Actually there are too many software to make visual effects but suppose if you are required to make which should look hyperrealistic then new software is developed by the team having knowledge of computer science and coding.

  • Animation

It is obvious that visual effects should be moved or animated. So for this thing, animators animate everything which is required. Animation is basically done by applying keyframes.

  • Compositing

It is a technique by which a compositor makes a realistic scene by placing many different things on a one frame. You can also use lightning and particles to make it hyper realistic.

Important skills required to become visual effects artist:

  • Knowledge of drawing
  • Knowledge of visual aesthetics
  • Should have sketching skills
  • Have a good communication skills
  • Photography