
A Cheap Holiday Skiing Vacation In Austria

There are lots of Canada ski packages holidays options and the first decision is which resort. For tips on this check out the where to ski in Canada page as well as our best Canadian ski resort awards and Canada ski resort ratings. If you have ever wanted to take the family on a cheap holiday skiing vacation, you can plan a wonderful skiing trip during the holiday to St Anton. The area has one of the most beautiful resorts for holiday skiers. The nightlife is just as spectacular as the skiing. This is your chance to ski the day away and join in the fun at the nightclubs around the resort. You are going to find that slopes are heavily packed with snow and the mountains are challenging. You will find that your day on the slopes is one you have never experienced anywhere else.

Although the slopes are the greatest, the town is mostly sports shops, hotels and bars. The area shops are found about twenty minutes away in Lech. You will find your cheap holiday ski vacation is filled with more fun than shopping anyways. The village of St Anton is a true Austria skiing resort. You will find more excitement in one village than you could find anywhere else. You are going to find intermediate slopes, but for those who need a challenge, there are some steep slopes for the experts. If you think the St. Anton slopes are too easy, you can try the Valluga slopes nearby.

If you are looking for nighttime entertainment, you will find that one place stands out. The Moosrwit is the popular hotspot in St. Anton. You will find hundreds of post skiers enjoying a drink or two at this hot nightclub. If you like British music, Griblies is the place to start your night. They have a British band that plays all the hits you want to hear. The Krazy Kangaroo Bar is a mountainside bar. You will find hip-hop and rock music to shake the night away. You can watch the sun go down while enjoying a nice glass of wine.

Your cheap holiday skiing vacation is going to see more nightlife than you could see in one place. You will want to stop and see The Funky Chicken. If you have a need for some great live entertainment, this is the place to stop after nine. Watch the sunrise at the Kartouche Club. If you are looking for more sophistication, The Platzl’s Apres is a place to stop in at night. You will just love the restaurants in St. Anton.

If you want a quick hamburger and fries, the Hamburger Caravan is a place to go. There is no need to dress up, go as you are and enjoy the food. If you are looking for some fine dining, the St. Antoner Hof is a five star restaurant. The very popular Restaurant Museum is located in a mansion from the pre WWI era and the cable cars station is right there. You will feast on the wild game and some fine wine. After one night of dining and parting, you will need to hit the slopes the next day to work off some added calories. You cheap holiday vacation to St. Anton could not have any more excitement.

What You Need to Know Before Starting a Catering Business

Does working hard in the kitchen while everyone else is eating, drinking and socializing in the living room sound like your idea of a good time? If your goal is to be in the catering business, the answer should be an emphatic yes. Event food and catering not only helps to set the tone of the event but can also keep attendees happy (no one likes to go hungry!) so finger food and canapes are a great way to keep a flow of food without a sit-down meal or large buffet selection.

Americans’ love of dining and entertaining has created a tremendous market for off-premises caterers all across the country. A wide range of social and business events are providing an opportunity for caterers to cook up tasty dishes and delicious profits. In fact, social catering has seen some of the strongest growth in the overall food-ser­vice industry in recent years, and that trend is expected to continue.

Successful caterers are organized, consistent and creative. They enjoy working in an environment that in some ways changes every day, while in other ways stays the same. While a lot of the preparation, cleaning and serving becomes a bit routine, the places to which you’ll travel and the kinds of functions you’ll attend can differ greatly. “Most restaurateurs hate catering for the exact reason that I love it: It’s different every day,” says Ann Crane, owner of Meyerhof’s Cuisine and Catering in Irvine, California. “A restaurateur is happy in a completely confined space where they’re in control and they don’t have to worry about anything leaving the building. With catering, you can get your inside operations down to the wire, but then you have to put it all in a truck and take it someplace to set it up and you could lose control.” Another appeal of catering, she says, is the strong relationship that tends to develop with clients. “This is something that’s really personal. Food is a personal reflection of the host, whether it’s in a corporate environment or someone’s home.”

From a cost-of-entry perspective, catering is probably the most flexible of all the food-service businesses. While you need a commercial location, you can start small and build your equipment inventory as you need to. You may even find an existing commercial kitchen that you can rent, as Maxine Turner did when she started Cuisine Unlimited, her Salt Lake City catering operation. She operated in a school cafeteria for ten years before moving into her own commercial facility.

In the beginning, if you need something unusual, such as a champagne fountain for a wedding reception, you can usually rent it rather than buy it. And your food inventory is easy to control, because in most cases you know well in advance exactly how many people you’re cooking for.

Off-premises caterers who take the food to the customers — rather than a catering department that operates on-site in a hotel or convention center — may offer everything from a gourmet breakfast in bed for two to elegant dinners for 20 to charity galas for more than 1,000 guests. Some caterers specialize in one kind of food, such as cakes and pastries, while others offer a wide range of services, including floral arrangements, specialized props and costumes for theme parties and wedding coordination.

The three major markets for off-premises caterers are:

1. Corporate clients. The primary need of this market is food for breakfast and lunch meetings, although there will be some demand for cocktail parties and dinners. Service can range from simply preparing a platter of food that’s delivered to the client’s offices or a nearby location to cooking an elaborate meal and arranging it at the meeting site.

2. Social events. Millions of dollars are spent each year on wedding receptions — with much of that being spent on food. Other special events that are commonly catered include bar and bat mitzvahs, anniversary dinners, birthday parties and graduations.

3. Cultural organizations. Opera houses, museums, symphonies and other cultural and community organizations frequently have catered events ranging from light hors d’oeuvres to formal dinners, sometimes for as many as several thousand people.

You’ll see a tremendous amount of crossover between these market groups. Turner started out with a primarily corporate clientele, serving continental breakfasts and boxed lunches. As her business grew, the corporate customers began hiring her to handle their personal social events, such as weddings and parties. And while she still does simple breakfasts and lunches, she’s also catered such events as the celebration for the 100th episode of the hit TV series Touched by an Angel, which was filmed in Salt Lake City.

Of course, there’s a wide range of additional markets and specialties. You might cook for people with specific dietary restrictions, such as kosher, macrobiotic, gluten-free or other special food preparation requirements. You might focus on afternoon teas, celebration breakfasts or even picnic baskets. Another popular niche market is cooking for dual-career couples who don’t have time to cook for themselves. You can either go to their homes and prepare the meals there or cook at your own facility and deliver the food ready to be served. Another option is to offer several days’ or a week’s worth of meals prepared in advance that your customers can simply heat and serve. Let your imagination run wild with possible market ideas, then do some basic market research to see what’s likely to work in your area. Also see what caterers are already serving your area.

First-rate caterers can demand and get top dollar for their services — but you and your food must be top rate. You should also keep in mind some general market trends. For the most part, extravagant meals and rich foods are a thing of the past. These days, people are eating less beef and more poultry and fish, and they’re drinking less hard liquor and more beer and wine. They’re also more concerned about the bottom line than they once were. Many caterers say these trends have forced them to be more creative chefs, working with spices and ethnic dishes rather than with rich sauces.

Are You A Time User Or A Time Waster?

The annoying side of my homes is when my garbage pilled up but luckily I we have a rubbish removal northern beaches Sydney. If you are like me, you’ve often wished there were 48 hours in a day instead of just 24. There never seems to be enough time to get everything done that you want. Since we just have about 16 hours a day not counting sleep time, it’s important how we use the time we have.

On the average, people waste about 2 hours a day. This is mainly from poor planning. If a person is unorganized, they waste time trying to find things, they miss appointments, they only do one thing at a time when they could be doing two.

Good time management is a major building block to success. Oftentimes, it’s not how much time we spend working but how efficiently we do the work. The key to successful time management is careful planning and setting priorities.

Plan your day, your week, and your month in advance. Know when things need to be done. A great way to “buy time” is to multi-task. Do more than one thing at a time. There are many things that do not require concentrated mental effort. These are more easily combined.

“Failing to plan is planning to fail,”- unknown

Even though I am a big pro football fan, I can’t justify sitting down and spending three hours watching a game. I have to be doing other things while I do it. Thank goodness for instant replay! I’ve found this is a good time to spend icing injuries or some other busy work. I can also record the games and watch them while exercising. I exercise about 30 minutes a day so during the football season I can watch a game during the week without wasting any time doing it.

When you run errands try to do as many as you can on one trip. If you are self-employed, you can combine personal errands that are on the way to a business errand and have the mileage written off as a business expense.

I’ve been fortunate to have been able to work at home for the past ten years. It’s been great because I hate to waste time commuting. If you must commute, you can use the time to listen to audio self-improvement tapes, audio books or anything educational.

If you are a regular exerciser and belong to a gym, think about working out at home. If you lack the space and money for exercise equipment, try traditional body weight exercises. A little research on the Internet can show you websites devoted to this subject. Even though I lifted weights for 20 years, I’ve converted to body weight exercises. I’ve found they feel better and get the same if not better results. Of course, if you go to the gym to socialize or network, that’s okay. You’re doing more than one thing at a time. You can go walking with your wife. That way you’re getting exercise and husband / wife interaction at the same time.

Setting priorities enables you to get the most important things done. Keep you eye on the big picture. Don’t let low priority things bump off the higher priority tasks from your schedule. If you’’ve only got so much time, it’s imperative you spend your time doing the things that bring you the most benefit.

“Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.”

– Goethe

Time is so precious. If you want to be successful in life you need to be spending more time being productive and doing things that are moving you forward. Spending hours a day watching TV, playing computer games, or surfing the Internet is not productive time usage. We all need downtime but you need to determine how much is really necessary. If you use your productive time efficiently then you will have more time to relax and do the fun things.