
Is Your Car Finish Being Eaten Away?

Washing Your Car Regularly.. Why?

Unfortunately, many professional car detailing products do not have the effect from your car even though it was properly applied but they are not.

Aside from the obvious of having a car that looks great, car washing can protect the cars finish. Bird droppings and bug splatter can get to be real relentless at different times. Also air bourne contaminant( some we can’t even see), all wage a consistent and prolonged attack on your cars finish.

Bug splatter for instance, have acids and particles in them that can eat away at the clearcoat of your car, making it susceptible to rust.The metallic particles that come off the rotor as well as brake dust with its adhesive properties from the factory, and tar, all do damage to your cars paint.

So how can we stop the culprits right in there track, by washing our vehicles regularly!

How and Where To Start

I don’t know if you knew this or not, but most of the swirl marks we see on our car is from washing the car. I know you have seen one of those dark colored cars that look real good at a 30000 ft view. However when you get up close it is riddled with swirl marks. They kinda look like cookies.

Why this knowledge is important is that it helps us all to realize, that even though washing a car seems so simple, What is often overlooked is that there is a right and a wrong way to do it. That is the first place to start is with this understanding.

I like to start out by finding products that will not scratch the paint. I use a chenille wash mitt, or a microfiber one. They both do a great job at pulling the dirt away from the paint and holding it in there fibers so that it does not scratch the paint.

Please don,t use dish washing liquid to wash your car with, why? Dish detergent has properties in it that strip the paint of the oils it needs to keep from drying out. So use a good car wash shampoo to wash the car with. I use Meguiars Soft Gel, its ph balanced with no detergents, and has lubricants in it that bring out the gloss in the paint finish.

Washing the Car

Because I do not want those swirl marks on my car, or any car I work on. I use more than one bucket to do my car washing. I recommend to do it that way if you can, cause after you make a pass with the wash mitt its gona be dirty. Instead of constantly washing with the water hose, just dip it in the bucket of fresh water to remove the dirt then back in the soapy water.

With that said, as always I like to wet down the car real good with water to remove what I can before I start car washing and you should too, it gets of some the dirt that I would otherwise have to.(I know call me lazy) Also before you suds away, this is a good time to remove any bugs and tar using a bug and tar remover. Gold Class Bug and Tar Remover is the way to go here.

Then begin by cleaning and doing the Wheels and Tires. I have written an article on that for you, so if you want to start with the article before moving on.

Using a soapy sponge, and with the car wet down apply the bug and tar remover going over the car until you get all those unsitely trouble spots. After you are finished, rinse area with water.

Starting at the Top of the vehicle go ahead start to wash the car, taking a moment between passes to rinse the car off, as you work your way down from the top to the moldings.

Remember clean the wash mit often in order to keep as much dirt as possible, from being introduced back on to the paint. While car washing be sure to get the door jams, the area outlining the trunk and up under the hood in that hood pocket outlining the engine.

Its important to wash the car completely from top down, as the bottom is alway the dirtiest, as well as under the hood area so do those last. Preferably with a different Wash mit either way remember not to introduce a dirty wash mit back on to the paint.

Drying The Car

I like to use a Dual Pile Microfiber towel to dry the car with. Starting with the windows first, go ahead and dry the car off. Then after you get the windows. Start drying from top down like you washed the car. Do the door jams, and Trunk lid, and under the hood, after you have dried all the other panels of the car like we talked about.

That way we continually eliminate the chance for scratches and swirl marks while you are car washing. If washing the car in the sunlight try not to let the water dry on you, or it will leave water spots. So do the car washing out of direct sunlight if at all possible.

You want more great car detailing secrets? Come visit us at for all your car care needs.

K.M.Dodd is a car enthusiast, and an experienced auto detailer with over twelve years in the field of automotive detailing. [] is a growing compilation of his knowledge and expertise. At you can read up to date content-rich quality information in an easy to understand style, click here if you want to book with us. Written for the Do It Yourself Detailer

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Storyboard E-Learning Efficiently While Debunking Destructive Practices

Sadly, I’ve witnessed training professionals either skipping the storyboarding phase prior to development or wasting time using PowerPoint. Let’s examine why both of these practices are flawed and then look at an efficient method for storyboarding. A storyboard artists needs to have command of drawing, storytelling and cinematography skills, and some life-experience is an asset.

Destructive Practice #1 -Skipping the Storyboarding Phase

Many instructional designers have long since said, “phooey,” to the storyboarding process, adamant that they develop e-learning material best when thinking “on the fly” or creating it “off the top of their heads.” This belief simply isn’t acceptable for an instructional design professional. I equate this haphazard method of course creation with my strategy for playing the triangular peg puzzle at Cracker Barrel. I use no forethought as I jump the pegs over one another, hungrily awaiting my meal. In the end, I almost always discover I am “just plain dumb” or an “eg-no-ramoose” as I stare down at the pegs left on the board.

Destructive Practice #2 -Wasting Time in PowerPoint

Many professionals mistake storyboarding for the prototyping. They therefore believe that they need to use PowerPoint to illustrate how the screens will look so the client has an idea of what type of product he or she will receive. PowerPoint is visual, it simulates the idea of presenting the information in screen format, and it can work. However, if you are showing a storyboard with stick figures to your clients to try and help them see your vision for the course -wouldn’t it be more effective to show them a similar course you’ve developed completely? From a finished course (even one covering entirely different content) a client may see the types of interactions you typically use; the attractive layout you can be trusted to create as a course backdrop; and they can certainly use a finished course to ascertain whether or not you are capable of writing well.

Productive Practice for Storyboarding

If the storyboard isn’t a prototype, then what exactly is it and why is it so important? It is a tool for creating effective and efficient e-learning that flows and introduces new material to the learner in the most meaningful way possible. In any e-learning course there are several factors bearing consideration:

If am hit by a bus tomorrow can someone look at my documentation and continue where I left off designing or developing this course?
What objectives does the course need to meet in order to have satisfied the overall goal?
Which interactions best facilitate the content presentation and transfer of this new information to the learner?
Will audio scripting accompany any of the screens?
What graphics will be necessary for illustrating the concept being taught?

Start storyboarding efficiently – using the table method []. Doing so addresses the points in the list above and it may surprise you with its simplicity. You don’t need to spend loads of time drawing stick figures and other shapes in PowerPoint. Just create a simple table in word and designate each column for specific information related to each screen. Each row represents a new screen. The table you viewed in the link above demonstrates how one might storyboard a Workplace Harassment Course. You can experiment with adding columns for other important information -for instance audio if it is to be included.

What are the advantages to using a table like this?

This format forces a designer to think about the information that must be contained within the course. Though he or she may have constructed an outline, the presentation and interaction must still be designed. Glancing over a table like this, one can easily see if four or five static screens are next to one another or if the majority of the interaction consists only of multiple choice questions. The mere presence of an Interaction column places pressure on the designer to include thoughtful activities throughout the course.
This format isn’t visual and that can be a good thing. While it’s suggested you use a prototype for soliciting some input from clients regarding the look and feel of a course, it is certainly not desirable to have a SME begin dictating what interactions, colors, characters, and graphics you are to use for every screen. Stated previously, PowerPoint is a visual tool. As such, it can do more harm than good if it tempts your SME to try on your Instructional Designer hat and they never relinquish it. It’s never fun to have to remind a client that while they are the subject matter authority, you are the expert at presenting the content and facilitating knowledge transfer. If you have already shown a prototype of your work to the client, then make it easy on them and instruct them to simply review the middle column for content accuracy and reply to any questions you’ve included in the Notes column. They may also leave notes for you in this column.
Assuming all instructional designers in the department are familiar with standard interactions and their names, this table can be used to disperse course development among several employees as needed -resulting in faster delivery. One person can gather graphics, another can make edits/additions to the storyboard, while a third person programs the course. Click here to see the works of our storyboard freelancers.

Michele K. Morgan

Owner of Instructional Strategies, LLC.


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Mastering The Lingo Used In Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing can mean many things. The essential definition of mobile marketing is promoting business through the use of cell phones or other mobile devices.The following article will give you to see how mobile marketing advice that works. The availability of surfing app can be found in Iphone or IOS.

You should understand what your customers need to know their desires and targets in order to market them correctly.

Mobile marketing messages should be easy to read and brief. Make sure your message is concise and to the point.

Recruit friends and family to help you test your marketing methods before trying them on the public.

Your campaign is about getting people to your home base and staying in touch with folks that already use it. Your entire business shouldn’t be based on a mobile platform.

Wait until the results of one campaign before you cook up a new one.

Remember that the audience you are targeting are people and they are busy, living their lives.

You may have been aware of the ability to offer free applications to your customers, but were you aware that it’s super easy? You could create an app to help your business to better promote your company via mobile marketing. You have a large array of options to choose from.

Although many mobile users actively send text messages and use their phones to check their email, most people haven’t got a clue what they mean.If your target audience can’t understand your advertisements, you might lose a customer.

You may find people telling you to go away or telling you they want more, but keep in mind that any information from a consumer should be treated as valuable input.

Make sure that your mobile marketing ad to send on and they perhaps they will.

If your business decides to have a mobile app, make sure it is easy to use and relevant to your business.

If you plan on adding SMS to go along with your mobile marketing, make sure you have an opt-in mechanism and, and have an easy way to opt-out. If done without regard to the correct guidelines, beware of mobile device notification systems if you’re using SMS improperly. It can seem like it’s invading peoples’ privacy.This honesty will go a long way to build up your brand.

Location is of the utmost importance when you are engaging in mobile marketing campaign. Mobile marketing is unique chance to know where you are located. This means that mobile campaigns can do not exist anywhere else.

Make sure any directions and maps to your site are smartphone ready. It has become a standard trend for individuals to use their mobiles to find Check to be certain your maps and clear on different mobile devices and turn up easily when a mobile searches. Include a link to the customer to find your location through Google Maps.

Do all the research on your audience. Know them and what their preferences are before you start designing a mobile marketing plan. Are they more than a computer? Which operating systems do they use on their phones? Find out about the people you want to reach, and you will have an easier time connecting with them.

QR codes are a great way to provide interactive content to your customers. You can use these codes to pass on various discounts to your business.They are easily used as well as simple to capture via a cell phone. QR codes are just one more way to engage customers while providing them with important information.

You need to make sure that your mobile marketing on all devices. You do not want to leave any customers out of devices from random phones into account when developing your messages do not work properly on their particular device. You need to write a script that can be used across all of your campaign.

Use mobile marketing combined with all relevant online functions. Have material that is specific with your mobile landing page, input different things that will make people come visit your website and you should allow them participation.

If you have a big mobile marketing list and are planning to have a big company event or maybe a sale send a reminder a little before it starts, send out a reminder a couple of hours before the event kicks off unless this is going to fall at early morning hours.This way your customers know something exciting is happening that they may want to be a part of.

Make sure to share your business presence on all of the best social networking site. This helps people find your business get found. Start out simple with your social media presence for your business. At the bare minimum you should claim your business on Facebook, create an online presence for your company on Facebook and Foursquare.

Use your social media networks, your website and your physical store to inform people of your mobile phone offers.This will provide you with the exposure you are seeking, and allow your fans plenty of opportunities to sign up for your offers.

If you are serious about the success of a mobile marketing campaign, only send them top-notch offers. This will ensure that your customers look forward to your messages and continue to view them instead of ignoring them due to high volume.

As stated above, mobile marketing is not defined in the same way by every businessman. There is no single definition that stands out. Although, the general consensus is that this type of marketing uses cell phones. By using what you have learned in the article above, you can now start to understand ways in which mobile marketing can benefit your business needs.