
A Skeptic’s Guide to Pilates

As a fitness instructor, I get a lot of questions about Pilates, from what it is to how it benefits the body. I too was skeptical about how this “gentle” form of exercise—which, to me, looked a lot like lying on the floor—could boast such big benefits. I like a workout that’s challenging and intense—heavy weights, high inclines, fast speeds. Those floor exercises are for beginners who are weak and unfit…or so I thought. Locals in need of a physio Northern Beaches don’t have far to look, our qualified physiotherapists have extensive experience in healing and strengthening.

I decided to learn more about Pilates by taking a few instructor workshops and training in “the method” myself. What I discovered surprised me. Pilates, when done correctly, offers major fitness benefits, requires mental focus, connects the mind and body, and truly does sculpt the abs like nothing else I’ve ever tried. Starting as a skeptic, I became a believer, practitioner and instructor in a matter of months.

For all of you skeptics who think that Pilates has nothing to offer you, think again! Almost one hundred years since Joseph Pilates (1880-1967) created and refined the exercises of his namesake, more and more people continue to practice Pilates around the world. Research has shown that Pilates also improves:

  • Spinal mobility
  • Flexibility
  • Muscular endurance
  • Posture
  • Body awareness
  • Lower back pain
  • Bone density
  • One’s ability to properly engage the transverse abdominals (the deepest core muscles)

It may sound too good to be true, but let me clarify what Pilates does NOT do (these statements are backed by research conducted by the American Council on Exercise and other organizations):

Pilates is NOT a cardiovascular (aerobic) workout. Your heart rate may elevate somewhat during Pilates, but generally will not reach an aerobic level.
Pilates is NOT a substitute for strength training. Pilates does focus on the core muscles, but does not build muscle mass the way traditional strength training (using progressively increasing resistance levels) does.
Pilates is NOT a major calorie burner. Studies show that, on average, participants in a 50-minute Pilates mat workout burn between 175 calories (beginners) and 250 calories (advanced).

Therefore, Pilates should be an additional component to a well-rounded fitness program that includes cardio, strength training and flexibility. Pilates alone cannot be all of these things for you. It’s in a league all its own. So if you still have to do all those exercises on top of Pilates, what’s the point? This simple example will help you better understand one way that Pilates offers benefits that other exercises can’t.

Sit upright in your chair in a comfortable position. Place one or both palms on your abdomen. Now cough a few times. You should have felt your abdominal muscles tighten. Now, keeping your hands there, take a deep inhale through the nose. On your exhale, open your lips slightly and push all of that air out of your mouth as forcefully and slowly as possible, making your exhale audible (like a “whoooooo” or “seeeeeeee” sound). You should have felt the same muscles tighten as when you coughed. These are your deep, transverse abdominis muscle, which act as your body’s corset. When these muscles strengthen, your belly pulls in tighter and flatter. The deep, audible breathing that people do during Pilates (which you just tried a moment ago) helps hone in on the transverse abs in a way that no other exercise can. Pilates focuses on these deep muscles in each and every move you make, which is just one reason why they are so effective at strengthening the core.

When done correctly and with proper focus, Pilates is not easy—no matter how fit you are. If you tried Pilates once or twice but weren’t impressed, you probably weren’t doing it correctly. And that’s not your fault if your instructor (in class or on video) didn’t explain it properly. When performing every single Pilates exercise you should also:

1. Breathe correctly. Joseph Pilates used to say, “Even if you follow no other instructions, learn to breathe correctly.” Use deep breathing (described above) to target and tone your deep transverse abs. Your inhale should expand the ribcage (diaphragm) but not the belly, which should be tight and flat as if you are wearing a corset. This helps you keep your core muscles engaged.

2. Concentrate on pulling your shoulders away from your ears and retracting your shoulder blades toward the center of your spine.

3. Properly align the spine. Your head and neck should follow the natural line of your spine at all times.

4. Focus on every movement as if it comes from the center of the body (your core).

5. Practice control. Don’t use momentum to help you move. Movements should be done in a slow and controlled manner at all times.

6. Keep your body grounded and stable. If you’re really focusing on the core, your body should be square on the mat and you should not rock or slide in any direction during exercises that involve lying, sitting, or kneeling. (This is one of the most common mistakes I see as an instructor.)

7. Work in an appropriate range of motion. Fitness enthusiasts tend to try the hardest options, even when they haven’t truly mastered the basics with proper form. Similarly, wanting to work harder, many people will work in larger ranges of motion, but aren’t able to stay grounded (point #6 above) when doing so. Only work to a level that allows you to maintain all of the points above.

The great thing about Pilates is that it offers something for everyone, no matter what your fitness level. If you started as a skeptic, consider revisiting Pilates by taking a class in your area or trying a fitness DVD. When you do, incorporate the points above and you will feel and see the difference. As Joseph Pilates himself said, “You will feel better in ten sessions, look better in twenty sessions, and have a completely new body in thirty sessions.” Body exercise like Pilates are good for health, click here to enroll.

Master of the Story – Storyboarding Your Dream – Part 3

Storyboard artist are creating a business they draw up a business plan or outline to get an overview of the venture. When you are creating a movie or a play or film you create a storyboard to give you a frame by frame picture of the action that will create the results that you are wanting to capture on film. When you are telling the story of your creation it is helpful to create a storyboard, not from the place of what is going to be like but of what it was like when it happened. Remember that the art of Creation through the Mastery of Story deals with not telling a story that is going to happen but rather the telling a story that has already happened. You are relating the future past.

When you are relaying something that you experienced that has already happened you know all the details and it is easy to relate them, create this story board from the viewpoint of telling something that has already occurred. Know that when you move forward in time to the end of the story and tell what happened to cause that outcome the events that led up to the present are so easy to see.

(Example) When I was living in Port Angeles, Washington and working at my shop there and telling the story of living in Hawaii, the story went like this – When I lived in port Angeles before the summers were even cold. every day I would go to work and dream of being in Hawaii and now I am here, the sound of the surf in the background and the whisper of the wind through the palm trees are the music of my days. I fall asleep at night listening to the wind in the trees and awaken to the chirping of tropical birds. I see the sunrise over the ocean and all is well in my world. Life is wonderful here in Hawaii. I am so happy that I made the decision to move, it was somewhat of a stretch because I wasn’t sure how I would swing it but it magically fell into place and I found just the right place to live and even got a car right away. It was so easy.. Many versions of the story were variations on that theme of what it was like before when I lived in PA before I moved to hawaii and how happy I am to be living in warm wonderful Hawaii.

This was the story I told myself and anyone who would listen while I still lived in port Angeles.. I became so convinced and convincing that people would ask me when I was going back to Hawaii, they just assumed that I was only visiting, my heart and my reality was in Hawaii.. Now All of me is here.

My story board lived mostly in my head, but occasionally i would write it down or so a little sketch. But mostly where I was became more and more the past and where i want to go became the present.

When you storyboard your creation you get the subtleties of the occurrence into place and any dissonance works itself out so that the unfoldment is easy. Also when you create a storyboard you find the places where you have questions and you can answer them, after all this has already happened..

Here’s a little trick – If there is a place where you just can’t seem to figure out how to get around where the details seem a little fuzzy, when you tell the story throw in a little magic.. Say how it all fell together so easily and magically that it was almost unbelievable.

The more you can see the story the more real it becomes to you and all who see you .. You will know you are on track when people start to see you as the story. Before I moved to Hawaii, I began to wear a flower in my hair, sometimes I would comment that it was chilly or that I was feeling a little cool and people would remark that of course I was cold, after all PA was so much cooler than where I was from. I would smile and say “Oh and where do you think I’m from,?” Invariably they would answer, “Your’re from Hawaii arent you?”

Storyboarding your Vision is just another Key to mastering the details of the foundation of the experience of your future past. Telly your story, live your story, Be the life you envision!

Donald Trump of “The Apprentice ” has often been quoted as saying “Plan your work and work your plan”, – I am offering a variation on that theme and saying, “The Future past is now, create the vision and it will (has) unfolded”.

Alaia Leighland is a Personal Futurist and an inspired entrepreneur. Visit her website [] for information about counseling, coaching, Spiritual Business, and trainings for professional and personal development. You will find story solutions through advanced communication skills. Instead of learning “manifesting by numbers” you will be taken on a step by step journey to emotional intelligence (self-awareness, self-management, understanding others, and managing self) to create the life of your dreams whether you are a junior in high school ready to step into the world for the first time, a 50- something wondering what to do with your golden years or anywhere in between and ready to live your dream.

Are you struggling with finding meaning and joy in your daily expression and would you like to learn about proven and effective steps to successful navigating your life/career path? Get your free Spiritual Business 101 Workbook and Course by following the link [] click here Now!

The sky is not the limit…It’s a GOAL… Reach!!!

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Exterior Painting Preparation Ideas

Take extra time to prepare properly for your exterior painting project is a direct investment of your time and money. Good exterior painting preparation has been proven to help the paint last longer, look better and prevent other related problems such as mold growth, chipping and peeling. Get started on your successful exterior painting project by reading and following the exterior painting preparation steps below. If you just aren’t up to painting on your own, then make it easy on yourself by finding a professional and reliable painter in your city. The term car paint correction should only really be used if these imperfections are properly removed and are not just merely covered up or hidden with filler based products.

Prepare Yourself

Exterior panting preparation is a dirty job, so you should wear clothes that you don’t mind dirtying. Furthermore, you will be getting wet, so keep that in mind as well when you select your clothes for this project and prepare for it before one day. It is also essential and safe that you wear protective goggles, especially during the scraping process. Chipped-off paint and other materials could easily fly into your eyes and cause serious damage to your eyes. Don’t take any chances be safe: Prepare properly by having a good pair of goggles or protective glasses. Work gloves are also necessary and important for protecting your hands during the prep process in your home or offices.

Spray the Dirt Away

This is essential because paint will not stick well to any type of dirt, especially the outdoor kinds of dirt like grime and dust. While some recommend using a power washer for this step, others caution that it can cause more harm than good. This is because it could also drive water deep into or behind wood siding or trim. If the soffit gets too wet, the wood will swell and quickly cause the new paint to peel off. Even if you don’t have wood siding, it still may be a better idea to use a hose with a strong water flow rather than a power washer.

For even stronger cleaning than just a hose, use a special brush attachment for the hose along with liquid soap; just make sure to rinse off all of the soap. You may want to consider using rags and sponges, depending on the amount of dirt on the exterior of your home. The more dirt, the more scrubbing you’ll need to do. If there are any areas with mold or mildew then it is advisable to wash with an anti-fungal cleaner. These types of cleaners can be found at hardware or home improvement stores easily in your nearest market.


Make sure to have your goggles on when you scrape any loose paint over wall. To be most effective, use a paint scraper, putty knife or wire brush will be more effective and less time consuming. For stubborn paint, or for scraping multi-layered paint, consider using a heat gun or rotary paint remover. A heat gun looks like a hair dryer and reaches very hot temperatures, as high as 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure to wear work gloves to protect your hands and keep the heat gun away from all fresh paint, paint fumes, paint cans or paint thinner/cleaner to avoid fire hazards. Another option for removing stubborn paint is a rotary paint remover, which can be attached to an electric drill. The stiff wire tines on the rotary quickly remove large areas of paint. Take caution when you are using this tool, as it should never come into close contact with your body parts. Consider practicing on a small piece of wood before working on the siding.

Sand & Repair

For wood siding, fill any gouges or holes with patching compound; make sure the compound is exterior grade. Sometimes this product is called plastic wood, so keep that in mind when you go to purchase this product. You will also need to sand the edges of the area of removed paint to help the new paint cover and hide the edge. Caulk any cracks, seams or gaps with paintable exterior caulk. It’s important to be meticulous near the doors and windows so that the paint will stick properly in these tricky areas.

Taping & Covering

This is the final step before getting into the actual painting. You will need to tape off any areas not be painted, such as around windows, with painter’s tape. Place drop cloths anywhere that you do not want paint dripping, including shrubs, bushes, porches and the like.

Mumbai leading and reliable interior and exterior painting, waterproofing, plumbing services provider Paintguru visit us:

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