
Surf Products and Accessories-What Do You Need For Surfing

Surf contest is one of the best recreational sports and an activity that is healthy, fun, and thrilling. Surfing is an activity that can be enjoyed by all. So, what type surfboard, surfing product or accessories will give you a day of fun and enjoyment? What do you need to go surfing?

Waves are the most important thing you need for surfing. You may ask, what type waves do I need? The answer to this question is simple; any wave that is available to you. There are all types and sizes of waves from rippling little ones to the giant waves of Hawaii. Recreational surfers need and prefer the little waves. However, you need the proper surf products and accessories for all conditions.

In order to enjoy the waves, you need to be prepared. This means that you may need several different surfboard types and surfing devices along with the necessary accessories to ride the waves that are available for you to surf on any given day. Every day is different and the conditions will dictate that you need a different type surfboard or surfing device to take advantage of the waves at your local beach break.

Here’s a list of surfing products and surfing devices for you to consider:

  • Swimfins
  • Bodyboard
  • Skimboard
  • Wakeboard
  • Soft surfboard
  • Short surfboard
  • Long surfboard
  • SUP

On some days, the waves will be perfect little peelers for bodysurfing. In order to really take advantage of the waves, you need to have a pair of good fitting swimfins. Fins will allow you swim faster and to get into the wave earlier, which will allow you to ride the shoulder of the wave just like the board surfers and boogie board riders do. You want to get on the corner of the wave and ride the green water out of the soup. This is a thrill and you need swimfins to catch the waves and stay with it. The fins will allow you to also ride the bigger waves as you get more proficient. Bodysurfing is a great way to have fun with your friends. Getting your group together and going to a spot that is suited for bodysurfing is really fun.

Body boarding, or boogie boarding as I like to call it after my friend Tom Morey who invented the little board, is something you can do under almost any surf condition. It is especially fun in little waves, which allow little kids, those who are beginning surfers and senior citizens to ride and enjoy the sensation of riding waves. You can ride the foam and the little waves right up onto the sand. As you get more experienced, you will want to ride the shoulders of the waves like the surfboard riders. Eventually if you are experienced and good in the water, you can ride the bigger waves as some do in Hawaii and other select surfing spots throughout the world.

Skimboarding is another surfing sport that does not require large waves and is done right near the shoreline, typically in smaller waves or even no waves at all. Some kids even skim on wet grass where there are little knolls. Another thing you can do when there is no surf is to ride your wakeboard. Wakeboarding is done behind a boat and can be done on wakeboards made especially for being towed behind a boat or you can ride your short, long, soft and hard surfboards. Some surfers, when they get proficient, let go of the rope and surf the waves generated by the wake of the boat. Don’t let the fact that there are no waves to surf at your chosen surf spot keep you from enjoying the water and riding the surfboard or other surfing device that will make your day a fun filled experience.

You really need to have at least one surfboard type that you can use for most surfing conditions. It’s better if you have more than one, but stay with what you can afford. Selecting a surfboard or surfboards is a fun process, but selecting the right one is very important. You ask yourself, should I buy a soft surfboard or a hard surfboard? What length board should I buy? What are the surfing conditions where I will be surfing the most? Is it shore break, point break, big, average or small type surf? What is my experience level that will justify the surfboard type that I choose? All of these questions need to be addressed. The surfboard type and design that you choose should be suitable for the normal conditions of the waves you will be surfing most.

If you live on a lake, bay, lagoon, river, or an ocean where there are calm surf conditions, you will probably want to have a SUP, which is also known as a Standup Paddleboard. SUPs have become one of the most popular surfing devices because they are large, stable and the fact that they are also very easy to learn to paddle and ride. Persons of all ages can ride them and the SUP has become a board that all members of a family can own and ride. SUPing has become a terrific group and family activity, which requires no surf and can be done on almost any calm body of water.

How about surfing accessories? What accessories do you need? Here’s a list of the more essential ones:

  • Wetsuit(s)
  • Rash guard
  • Wax
  • Surfboard leash
  • Variety of fins and fin key
  • Travel bags
  • Surfboard rack for your car
  • Plastic container for wetsuits and changing
  • Large towel
  • Board shorts; more than one pair
  • Sunscreen
  • Hide-a-key
  • Carry bag
  • Money
  • Water
  • Swimfins

Surfing is a sport that is conducted away from home. I recommend that you have all of these accessory items listed above to meet the conditions of the water and the surf activity of the day. You will need different items on different days, but on some days you will use all of them. Plan ahead and you will have success and fun on your surfing days.

Before you go surfing, you should check the local surf report from an online source like What is the water temperature? Do you need a wetsuit? If so, what thickness suit do you need? Do you need booties or a hood to keep you warm? Maybe all you need is a spring wetsuit or maybe the water is warm enough to wear only your swim suit. The choices are many. Some of the wetsuits have short sleeves and or short legs or combinations of long legs and short sleeves or vice versa. I would suggest that in moderate climates you have a spring suit and a full suit. The spring suit should be 2.0 and the full suit should probably be 4/3 or 3/2 depending on the prevailing water temps. Rash guards should be worn under wetsuits to prevent chaffing. You may also want to wear one on a sunny day to prevent sunburn. These items will be worn for all types of surfing.

Don’t forget to bring wax and a leash for your board. It seems that surfers forget this item or lose it in the water and are always looking around for some. You need specific wax for the water temperature conditions. Ask the surf shop people what kind you need or read the labels and use the type you need based on the surf report. A handy tip is to keep your surfboard waxed and ready to surf at all times. It’s no fun not to have any wax and go out into the surf with a slippery deck surface. You’ll be slipping and sliding and falling off your board and end up not having a good surf. The other thing you need is a leash, especially if you have a long paddle out, rough surf, or if you are surfing in a rocky area. Loosing you board and having to swim back in is no fun. If your surfboard is damaged in the rocks, that makes it all the worse and will ruin your day fast.

The rest of the items on the list are self explanatory. Make a check list and make sure you check your accessory items before you leave to go surfing. There is no use leaving something behind that will cause you to have a bad day.

With all of these thoughts in mind, get the right surfboard type products and go Surf Life! It’s a blast!!

Oak Street Surf was founded by Chuck Herpick, a Stanford graduate and former Naval Aviator, an accomplished surfer who has spent his lifetime in or near the ocean surfing most of the California and Hawaii breaks over the many years.

Oak Street Surf, [], is an online surf shop representing the latest surfboard products and accessories. You can get a good review of top of the line surfboard types and designs including bodyboards, skimboards, Custom SUPs, longboards, and shortboards.

Chuck believes that surfing, whether it is bodysurfing, boogie boarding, board surfing, skimboarding or riding a Standup Paddleboard (SUP) will change your life forever. You will be able to apply the love you will obtain from surfing to everything you do and will learn how to Surf Life! What a joy!!

Visit Oak Street Surf at [], the one-stop online surfboard and surfing equipment store, to find out more about surfboards, surfing, Standup Paddleboards, and what types and designs of water sports products are available. You will be able to talk to the experts with over 70 years of surfing experience. Visit the site now!

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How Arts And Crafts Can Enrich Your Life

Many want to get into a craft, yet choosing the right project is tricky. This article is for you to neat craft ideas. Read on to read some ideas that will bring out the creative side of you.

Are you in need of a new place to find craft materials? There are a lot of online stores that give you great savings on your craft supplies. A click of the mouse is all it takes to find great deals. Some of the better stores even provide free shipping to save money. has worked in visual development for both games and film and is currently working as a concept artist Sydney for film.

If you’re doing projects that might make a mess, put down newspapers to stave off damage. After completing the projects, simply toss the newspaper to keep your project worry free.

There are quite a few things that you can use for crafting. Paper goods are great options. You can also use spent paper towel and toilet paper rolls too. You can also use magazines and newspapers. Try using what would generally discard into your projects.

If you have difficulty finding supplies for arts and crafts projects that are affordable, check second hand stores. Goodwill and consignment shops have great things for a creative enough mind. Check in frequently as these items are sold quickly.

Look to Beadaholique to find lots of cool bead accessories for your jewelry supplies. There is a large selection of accessories there to help you make jewelry. Many people wear costume jewelry into them.

You should avoid examples so kids can use their imaginations.

Look on the internet for new ideas for crafting. There is no shortage of sites that have useful ideas. You will find countless ideas for projects that anyone can complete.

Arts and crafts are fun for kids of any age.

Arts and crafts activities are great to entertain a large group of children or adults. There are many projects out there for people of all ages. Look online to find projects for the age group you are working with.

Gather all the materials you need before you start your needed supplies. You don’t really want to start on a project and realize that you don’t have everything that is required to complete it. Make a supplies list and check it twice before you start your project.

Etsy can be a wonderful site for those who love crafts. You can find inspiration or purchase there.You can also list your best projects in order to make a bit of extra moeny to support the craft.

Look for learning opportunities when crafting with kids. You can have them count out things you need, in measuring, try and read the instructions, or a number of other tasks that will help them learn while enjoying the fun!

You could be shocked at what you find. Many people could be looking to get rid of the very supplies you are in need of, so you might get them for free or cheap.

Be sure you make time for your projects. You should not rush yourself when working on your project.High quality will come from your time devotion and attention to the work. So make some time for it and you’ll really see the difference.

Nature is great inspiration if you need help with your creative projects. The colors found in nature provide great examples. Look out your window or look online at photographs.You will have no trouble coming up with a lot of creative inspiration and ideas anywhere you look.

Organize your space for crafts by the project that you typically make. You will want to save time by organizing.

Your pantry can supply many craft supplies for your kids. You can make an evening into an arts festival with a little glue, paper plates, paint and glue.

Are you curious about knitting but don’t quite know where to start? You can learn everything you want to know via reading and viewing photos.

You can create a treasured clock in a new baby. Create a mosaic pattern and be sure to leave some round holes for the hour markings. Glue the pictures.Cover it with the glass so that the mosaic’s surface is even, and add in the motor and hands. You have now completed a keepsake clock that will be treasured.

If there is an arts and craft project that appeals to you, be sure that your budget can accommodate it. Every craft requires special supplies. For instance, woodworking involves wood and often paint. Plan for these expenses and limit yourself to a craft.

Do you adore handmade items but never thought you had the time it takes to make beautiful handcrafted items? You might be amazed by how soon you can learn a new skill. Take a pottery or go to your garage begin building a lovely birdhouse.

Arts and crafts projects do not always about creating art from scratch all the time. There are always different projects that you can use. For example, you might paint boxes as objects to use or use any other type of product to enhance your creation. Check out thrift stores and tag sales for items that can be personalized in this way.

Get all the supplies for projects before starting.

Be savvy about displaying arts and crafts projects you complete. Some materials will not weather well. Some projects do not last very long if you expose them to direct sunlight. Think about what you just made before placing them around your home.

Paper is a key component in many arts and crafts supplies. Search through the clearance bins for different creative ideas. You cannot go wrong with the paper you buy.

Now that you read the above information, your creative juices should already be flowing. People everywhere start projects, but never carry through with finishing them because they didn’t take the time to learn about some inspiring ideas. You are lucky, though, because you have been given great ideas on how to create unique art projects.

Are You Over Polishing Your Car’s Paint?

I have been reading a lot of threads on my forum lately that basically start with people asking “what polish should I use?” I couldn’t help but think, how do I best avoid using a harsh car polish all together? Here you will find everything to satisfy your car cleaning needs from wheel and exterior cleaners to chamois and tyre care with our car cleaning products.

I think it’s time for a completely different discussion about car polishing. What I strive to achieve is the highest level of paint perfection without altering the structure of the vehicle’s paint. Once I get there, I want to use the proper tools and techniques to keep my paint looking perfect.

When I have a car paint problem, I want to be able to fix it without removing excessive clearcoat that I need to maintain a deep-looking finish. I’m a huge advocate of spot treatment. I rarely take an abrasive polishing compound to an entire body panel, or worse, the whole car. It simply isn’t necessary.

I have the distinct feeling from reading many forum threads that people are buying step 1-2-3 products and using all of them because that’s what they feel is necessary to achieve the best results. In no way is this use of paint polish appropriate car care.

RULE 1: Do less damage than the damage that already exists.

My experience shows me that 95% of all paint issues can be resolved with a very fine polish, the right tools and the right technique. So, why is it that so many people are willing to reach for a harsh compound as the first step… when it should be the last resort?

Very fine car polishes, often called pre-wax cleaners, can be used to maintain gloss without the scouring that thins your car’s paint. The polishing (gloss enhancing) action is a combination of chemical cleaners that remove embedded dirt and a super gentle polishes that maintains the gloss. The polishing material is about the consistency of talcum powder. My two favorite products are Klasse All-In-One and P21S Paintwork Cleansing Lotion. There are many others.

RULE 2: Don’t remove more clear topcoat than necessary… you may need it some day!

In the car detailing circles we all talk about gloss, depth and clarity, but are you stopping to think about what you might be doing to each of these final finish characteristics each time you take an abrasive polish to your paint? You might be seeing more gloss, but it’s coming at the expense of depth and maybe even paint finish clarity.

Most professional car polishes are designed to be used with a rotary buffer, by an experienced technician. When you use these polishing compounds by hand or with a dual-action car polisher, you put scratches in your paint finish that will not come out by using the next polish up in the line. So, what’s the solution?

There’s no doubt that the clearcoat on the modern car finish creates the beauty of the finish. To retain the good looks, the clearcoat must remain clean and finely polished. Heavy polishing will reduce finish clarity and depth. They must be avoided.

It should be noted that a proper paint finish (primer, color and clear) is only 6-8 thousandths (6/1000) of an inch thick. Removing 1-2 thousandths of an inch of the clear finish happens in a matter of seconds with an abrasive polish.

My business partner got a 3-inch long scratch in the clearcoat of his new Lexus SC. I used a spot pad and a corrective polish to pull most of the scratch out so it would pass the 5 foot test. He said “…but I can still see a trace of the scratch close-up…” I explained that if I removed more material we risked thinning the clearcoat and creating a patch of paint that no longer matches the rest of the finish.

Sometimes, enough is enough. The real skill in auto detailing is learning how to read the paint and knowing what the final result will be when you use a product.

RULE 3: Know for a fact what tasks the products you’re using were designed to perform.

Are you using a polish designed to be used on an automotive assembly line by a technician with a 4-inch spot pad on a pneumatic polisher to remove 2400 grit sanding marks? If so, what are the equivalent pad specs, rotation speed and polish time to remove your 5000 grit equivalent swirl marks?

Are you using a refinisher’s panel blending compound originally designed to cut and blend fresh paint using a wool pad as a general purpose cutting compound? If so, can your foam cutting pad effectively generate enough heat on your DA to break down the abrasives to prevent paint scouring?

The fact is, very few abrasive polish systems were designed from the ground up to be a DA polishing system. Very few others have bothered to correctly match “general purpose” polishes with polishing pads and proper instructions to create a system.

Again, I reiterate buyer beware. All abrasive polishes have cutting particles with different characteristics. Abrasives have different size, shape and hardness. Some particles are designed to break down into smaller, finer abrasives as the polish is applied. Others are designed to cut continuously at the same rate.


Most new car finishes can be properly maintained without using abrasive (corrective) polishes. Doing so requires smart paint care, including regular washing and waxing, use of proper wash and wax tools (wash mitts, applicators, towels, etc.) and cautious parking. Finish damage avoidance is the best way to maintain a perfect finish. Nothing will swirl a paint finish faster than a bad wash mitt or drying towels.

If you park away from soccer moms and shopping carts, and wash your car using proper tools, you can keep the finish free of light surface damage for a long time. When your paint does get marred, the problem can be locally treated by hand or with a spot pad with a corrective polish.

One approach to this problem is to use “cover-up” products. Many car wax products can be layered to help cover minor surface marring. My favorite combination is Klasse All-In-One followed by P21S Carnauba Wax. Others swear by the Zaino Show Car polish system (Z-2, Z-5 and others).

I offer the following tips for proper long-term paint finish on both new and like-new cars:

  • Wash weekly (as possible) using a quality car wash, wash mitt and drying towels.
  • Deep clean paint twice a year with detailing clay.
  • Polish paint 3-4 times a year with a pre-wax, non-abrasive polish.
  • Seal paint 3-4 times a year with a quality paint sealant.
  • Protect your paint finish from damage by other motorists and pedestrians.

These five simple steps will keep your automobile looking great without the need to use heavy compounds for corrective action.

The Guide to Detailing website offers tips and guides for proper Car Care and car detailing. Visit now!

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